Festival Street
Michie Mee
Michie Mee is known within the music industry for her unique rap style, combining reggae and dancehall with hip hop. With more than two decades in the entertainment industry, the Juno-nominated rapper and actress is not only an inspiration for female musicians, but also all artists nationwide.
Aside from her life as an entertainer, Mee is also a mother who makes it one of her duties to keep involved with today’s youth. Knowing first-hand the twists and turns artists often face in entertainment, Mee is an avid supporter of children striving to achieve a good education. Mee herself left university after her music career began to soar and has always spoken openly about the importance of education. Mee continues to enhance her abilities to attract diverse roles on television and film, and was featured in the 2011 CBC hip-hop documentary Love, Props and the T. Dot.
Mee is the first Canadian hip-hop recording artist to sign an American major record deal and was the recipient of the 2012 DJ Stylus Hall of Fame Award, the 2013 CUMC Lifetime Achievement Award, the 2014 Black Canadian Award for Best Female Rap Act, and the 2014 winning the Toronto Arts Council Roy Thomson Hall Award of $10,000. The Roy Thomson Hall Award recognizes creative, performing, administrative, volunteer, or philanthropic contributions to Toronto’s musical life by a person, ensemble, or organization. Mee has won many community-based awards and promotes the On This Mic Showcases, a.k.a the Scorpio Bash, in Toronto with the support of the Jamaican Music Conference, on which she sits on the advisory board. Mee is also apart of the Generation Hip Hop Global Board based in Brazil, and sits on the HipHop BLVD Advisory Board in NYC.
Mee adds author to her resume and has signed recently signed a book deal with Penguin Random House to write her memoir through Ballpoint Literary Agency.
In fall of 2022, it was presented by Dr. Jill Andrew MPP that Mee is officially Canada’s Queen of Hip Hop.
Please check out her new website, www.michiemee.ca, for updates and merch!
Festival Street Music Stage